The District

The Montebelluna Sportsystem District extends from the foot of the Montello Hill to the Piave river. It represents an industrial cluster that has received official recognition at regional level. The area boasts many works of artistic and architectural value. The population of the district totals around 120,000 people.

The legal entity responsible for representing the Sportsystem District is UNINT – a Consortium whose purpose is to promote business integration, and with which Fondazione Sportsystem has an agreement for developing initiatives and projects to support the

The district in numbers

0 *
Total businesses
0 *
People employed
0 **
Mln €
Production Value equal to 35,5% of the Production Value measurable in the territory

*data relating to CORE business activities as defined by Veneto Regional Council Resolution 2415/14, only for Ateco (core activity) codes 14.2, 15.1, 15.2 and 32.3 + connected activities relating to Ateco codes 13, 14 (excluding 14.2) and 74.1 Source: Office of Statistics, Treviso and Belluno Chamber of Commerce and Infocamera (Italian Business Register) data (Dec 2022, Istat – Office of National Statistics, Veneto Lavoro Regional Work Institute).

**data obtained from 181 financial statements filed in 2021. Source: Infocamere Financial Statement Analysis. Source: Infocamere AnBI.

The District area

The technical footwear and sporting goods District (Sportsystem) of Asolo and Montebelluna covers an area of approximately 355 square kilometres. It includes the municipalities of Alano di Piave, Altivole, Arcade, Asolo, Caerano di San Marco, Castelcucco, Cornuda, Crocetta del Montello, Fonte, Giavera del Montello, Maser, Monfumo, Montebelluna, Possagno, Trevignano and Volpago del Montello*. In the past, it was known as the Sporting Boot and Shoe District and also included the municipalities of Valdobbiadene, Pederobba, Cavaso del Tomba, Castello di Godego, Castelfranco Veneto, Vedelago, Istrana, Nervesa del Montello, Arcade, Ponzano Veneto and Villorba.

* Regional Council Resolution 2415 dated 16 December 2014

Business activities within the District

The structure of the district can likened to a galaxy: a multitude of bodies – each of a different size, structure and nature – all attracted to one another and all interlinked, to the extent that they could be thought of as constituent parts of a single entity.

The area around the town of Montebelluna has a huge variety of businesses ranging from manufacturers of sporting equipment, footwear and production machinery, to design studios. There are also other entities which, while not directly involved in manufacturing, nonetheless play a significant role in maintaining the identity and prosperity the district. These include incubators, trade associations, training organisations, etc.

Products manufactured within the District

The strong ties which exist throughout the district means a huge variety of products are designed and created which can be grouped into macro-categories, as shown on the map opposite.

However, the District probably enjoys greatest national and international fame for its production of ski boots. Today the District is no longer geared solely towards manufacturing snow sport footwear and related products, but produces a huge and extremely varied range of multi-niche goods.